
Research and Evaluation

This research has informed the It's not OK campaign strategy and assessed the impact and effectiveness of the campaign.

Campaign monitoring and evaluation

It's not OK Campaign Community Evaluation Project (Kaitiaki Research and Evaluation Ltd, 2015)

In 2014, the Ministry of Social Development commissioned an evaluation of how the campaign has supported change to address and prevent family violence within communities.

Dr Michael Roguski of Kaitiaki Research and Evaluation Ltd evaluated seven community-led It's not OK campaigns in how they have encouraged communities to challenge themselves and their tolerance for family violence.

The evaluation findings include changes identified as a result of the campaigns and critical success factors in common across the campaigns.

The evaluation report and case studies are available for downloading as separate documents in PDF and word docx formats.

Download MSD Cover Letter [DOCX 176 KB]

Download MSD Cover Letter [PDF 484 KB]

Download Evaluation Report [DOCX 139 KB]

Download Evaluation Report [PDF 264 KB]

Download Case Study Counties Manukau Rugby League [DOCX 89 KB]

Download Case Study Counties Manukau Rugby League [PDF 126 KB]

Download Case Study 2 Gisborne [DOCX 89 KB]

Download Case Study Gisborne [PDF 118 KB]

Download Case Study Levin [DOCX 85 KB]

Download Case Study Levin [PDF 117 KB]

Download Case Study New Plymouth [DOCX 81 KB]

Download Case Study New Plymouth [PDF 95 KB]

Download Case Study Ohakune [DOCX 92 KB]

Download Case Study Ohakune [PDF 132 KB]

Download Case Study Paeroa [DOCX 86 KB]

Download Case Study Paeroa [PDF 121 KB]

Download Case Study Taupō [DOCX 85 KB]

Download Case Study Taupō [PDF 117 KB]

Download Appendix [DOCX 79 KB]

Download Appendix [PDF 113 KB]


An Innovative Approach to Changing Social Attitudes around Family Violence in New Zealand: Key ideas, insights and lessons learnt (Point Research, 2010)

The purpose of this review is to understand and articulate the approach of the campaign and determine how well the campaign is working.

In particular, it articulates the key ideas, messages and approach of the campaign; review the evidence to better understand how well the campaign is working, and focus on lessons and insights that can be used to inform the future development of the campaign and enhance future government-led initiatives.

Download An Innovative Approach to Changing Social Attitudes [PDF 212 KB]


Attitudes, Values and Beliefs about Violence within Families: 2008 survey findings (CSRE, Research International Ltd, 2010)

This national face-to-face survey included over 2,500 in-home interviews in order to explore attitudes and beliefs about violence towards women, inter-partner violence and child abuse.

The survey was prepared in order to answer the following questions:

  • What attitudes do New Zealanders have towards family violence?
  • What is the level of awareness and understanding of family violence in New Zealand?
  • What proportion of New Zealanders want to act?
  • What factors make people more likely (or not) to act?

Download Attitudes Values and Beliefs About Violence Within Families [PDF 218 KB]


Healthy Family Relationships: A review of the research literature to contribute to the Campaign for Action on Family Violence (CSRE, 2007)

This literature review aimed to find evidence of those attitudes and behaviours that promote peaceful and harmonious, rather than violent and highly conflicted, family relationships. The review looked at two domains of recent research:

  • intimate partner/marital satisfaction and relationship stability and durability
  • family wellbeing and family strengths.

 Download Healthy Family Relationships [PDF 165 KB]


Preventing Physical and Psychological Maltreatment of Children in Families: Review of literature for the Campaign for Action on Family Violence (CSRE, 2008)

This review sought answers to the following research questions:

  • What is the nature and what are the consequences of child maltreatment?
  • What are the risk factors involved in the physical and psychological types of child maltreatment?
  • What are the factors that contribute to primary prevention?
  • What are the factors that contribute to effective parent education and safe parenting practices?
  • What motivates and enables other adults (family or non-family) to intervene when they suspect a child is being abused?

Download Maltreatment Prevention Report [PDF 251 KB]


 Reach and Retention surveys (Phoenix Research)

The tracking surveys measure the reach of the TV advertisements, retention of the messages and changes in beliefs and behaviour as a result. Surveys were completed in December 2007, April 2008, September 2008 and November 2010. A further survey was conducted in 2016. These are available as Powerpoint presentations, and we are happy to share this information.

Please email us: areyouok@msd.govt.nz


Reducing Family Violence: Social marketing campaign formative research (Gravitas Research and Strategy, 2006)

In the early stages of the campaign planning, formative research was commissioned to better understand family violence. This research included interviews and focus groups with perpetrators to understand their behaviours, attitudes and feelings about family violence and their readiness and motivations to change their behaviour.

Download Social Marketing Campaign Formative Research [PDF 440 KB]


Report on Giving, Receiving and Seeking Help (Point Research, 2010)

This research was undertaken to inform the third stage of the campaign, and in particular, to understand people's willingness, confidence and capacity to give and receive help. The report focuses on:

  • what action people can take to prevent family violence and when
  • where it is hard to take action and why
  • what might make it easier
  • what offering help looks like
  • what conditions encourage help giving and receiving
  • what motivates someone to take action to prevent or stop family violence
  • what barriers prevent help giving or receiving.

Download the Report on giving, receiving, and seeking help [PDF 250 KB]


The Campaign for Action on Family Violence: Effective social marketing: complex issues and innovative practice (CSRE, Aug 2009)

This paper looks at family violence prevention and social marketing best practice and presents the It’s not OK campaign as a successful case study of using social marketing to shape attitudes towards key social issues such as violence within families. 

Download Effective Social Marketing [PDF 247 KB]


It's not OK Business Engagement and Action (Unravel Research, June 2009)

A range of 10 SME (small and medium sized enterprises) owners and their employees, plus four family violence community groups in the greater Wellington region were individually interviewed from 15 to 23 June 2009. The research was designed to explore which of the
draft message(s) content and design, if any, engage businesses and call them to act to prevent and address family violence.

Download Its Not OK Business and Action [PDF 292 KB]

Formative evaluation

Testing of Television Advertising Concepts (Phoenix Research)

Reports from focus group testing of concepts for phases 1, 2 and 3 of the campaign’s television advertising. These reports are available as Powerpoint presentations.

We are happy to share these - just email us at areyouok@msd.govt.nz

Community action

Community Study (CSRE, March 2010)

The community study examined the impact of the campaign in four communities in New Zealand - Christchurch, Porirua, Te Tairāwhiti and Waitākere. A key goal of the research was to look for stories of significant change in each of the communities. The objectives of the study were to:

  • provide a rich description of the social context in which the campaign is operating
  • monitor the impact of the campaign on local services (Police, CYF and NGOs)
  • understand the extent of collaboration and interagency coordination.

Download the Community Study summary report [PDF 298 KB]


Family Violence It's not OK in Waihi Project Evaluation (Debbie Petersen, Community Development Consultancy, 2011)

An evaluation of the three-month multi-propronged focussing on the development and dissemination of key messages linking family violence, alcohol and its effect on children. The project used local people to promote local messages and was the first to link the two national campaign messages "Ease up on the drink" and "It's not OK".

Download the It's not OK in Waihi Evaluation 2011 [PDF 673 KB]


Media Analysis of Family Violence Reporting (McGuiness Media, 2007)

Three quarterly media audits were commissioned to measure changes in the way family violence has been reported by the news media since the media advocacy project began in 2006 (and compared to a baseline sample from 2005). Improvement was measured by the number of stories, size and placement, headline size and content.

Download the Historical Media Audit [PDF 507 KB]

Download the Media Analysis July - September 2007 [PDF 769 KB]

Download the Media Analysis October - December 2007 [PDF 734 KB]

Download the Media Analysis January - March 2008 [PDF 746 KB]



Business Attitudes to Tackling Family Violence (Senate Communications, 2009)

In September 2008, the campaign commissioned Senate to conduct interviews with ten chief executives of large businesses operating in New Zealand to better understand business attitudes towards community-based initiatives, particularly family violence programmes. The research project was important to help the campaign (and other agencies) to:

  • identify the key drivers affecting businesses’ willingness (or not) for supporting anti-violence messages, including such “It’s not OK”
  • use the above knowledge to inform “the offer” to prospective business partners from the campaign.

 Download the Business Attitudes to Family Violence report [PDF 155 KB]


Vic Tamati: A case study evaluation of the family violence “Are you OK” campaign (Crime and Justice Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, 2011)

The campaign commissioned the Crime and justice Centre to carry out an independent evaluation of Vic Tamati’s presentations to schools to better understand the messages that young people took out of the presentation, the value and effectiveness of personal stories to encourage attitude and behaviour change and any issues related to a high impact presentation and relevant best practice guidelines.

Download the case study evaluation [PDF 120 KB]


If you would like to get in touch about this research please email areyouok@msd.govt.nz